The Leftoveres is a kind of Drama, Mystery series. I never had seen a series with this type of story. It is based on a book of the same name by Tom Perrotta and written and executive produced by Damon Lindelof, the premise is that three years prior, an unexplained event happened: two percent of the world’s population just vanished in to thin air!!! No one really knows what happened but they are associating it to a Rapture.
It's a very strange mystery because they don't reveal a lot on the first season so this series has a lot of promise in my opinion but it can also go badly wrong.
It's a kind of series that makes you thing about "if you were in that position...", "what would you do?". Some of the episodes are a little slow but that is normal because there is lots of parts and different peoples story's to tell.
I already have seen all of the first season and I'm excited to see what comes next =) We (me and my boyfriend) saw the first season in one week and a half. That is fast for us ;D the second season is coming next year.
I would give it a 8/10 and my boyfriend says it's a 9/10 =D I would recommend to everyone!!!
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