I have not written a post in a long time but I'm starting this year with a great one which is The New Year Resolutions!
- Exercise 5x per week;
- Continue running outside and run 10 km once every week trying to do it in 1h or less;
- Go swimming 2x per week;
- Eat "clean" 5x per week;
- Get my CHOCOLATE intake under control;
- Don't go to bed without everything being tidy;
- Get to 1000 subbies on my Youtube Channel;
- Improve my Channel by:
- sticking to the schedule,
- reading and answering comments everyday,
- get a bit more artsy,
- doing more blog posts related to my videos,
- instagraming more.
- Get some basics in a new language;
- Start painting.
I think 10 resolutions are a bunch and there are here some that will be hard to do but this year as I explain them in my video, I want to get it under control because last year I could not do it and this year is the year =D
Some of the Resolutions I don't mention in my youtube video but I really would like to do them because I think we should always try to improve ourselves as much as we can (related to learning a new language). And I miss painting too.